“Anything for free?”
My late Father In-Law used to ask, when ordering take-aways, “anything for free”?
The answer in your case is, yes… You are already sitting on a goldmine of stories that you can readily access, harness and ethically, creatively and sustainably capitalise on.
Will I be one in a million?
Yes! You will be incredibly important. AND you won’t be one OF a million… I work with a very limited number of clients, who must be a good fit with my personal vision, mission and values. With over 20 years of doing this work in one way or another, discernment is one of my strengths.

What will we actually do together, like, day-to-day?
What is your story?…
Next up, we will dive into your Story. This is initially an intimate conversation with you, the Founder (or CEO - if you are in charge of something that was started by someone else).
At your service…
We will look at additional budgets for external training and capacity building, rewarding, coaching, sponsorship and charitable support.
And don’t fear - I can help you find the right people for the job, at mate’s rates all ‘round. If there is no more budget for now, we will work creatively and carefully with what we have.
Not spending time, - investing it
We will co-design the time I spend “in and on” your business - with you, your staff, your customers, your community. Whomsoever is required to be involved in getting the best story to make you stand out.
Part of the family…
I can be right by your side (or even relieve you of being involved if needed) at team meetings, delivering workshops, and holding group sessions.
I can interview employees and customers, and conduct community outreach research.
I’d love it if…
Initially, we will do an “I’d love it if” exercise - potentially on a nice walk. Together, we will get some agreed clarity about your Vision, Mission, Who, What and Why. This will be your Working Manifesto.
Who will join us?
After that, we might consult some others. You will decide who is at your Round Table.
We then prioritise where to spend my time with you - on your Marketing & Sales, your Team, your Customers or your Community Engagement strategies.
We will create an “action plan” (that we can always pivot on quickly) that will become your Story of Change - together.
You will present this to your Round Table, in whatever way we think is useful and then we can start to roll out your Story of Change to the world.
You and me…
Throughout our time together, we will likely have very close conversations, on and offsite.
I look forward to some deep thinking time with you, and creative time and time in nature if you wish.
All together, we can make magic happen.

We will use your story to inform the four most important areas of your business…
Engaging others in this will depend on what you prioritise, and I will support you in this.
If recruitment is necessary, I can help you with this too.

Possible treasure to dream of…
Clearer brand messaging,
Better, more ethical marketing,
Loyal customers who return time and again, and help fly your company flag,
More successful networking, as people remember you better,
Better local reputation, trade and a sense of belonging and community,
A more impactful sustainability practice and reporting,
Happier employees who feel more included, significant, appreciated at, and prouder about, their workplace,
More compelling funding applications,
Higher staff retention,
Better quality of applications to work with you,
A sense of pride on your part, and satisfaction,
Clarity about what you want / need for the future,
A sense of being seen, heard, understood and appreciated,
A better website, better email communication and improved social marketing,
More media coverage (PR),
Award nominations and better applications,
Rewarding collaborations and partnerships,
Improved Employee Wellbeing,
Continued inspiration,
Improved carbon footprint,
New leadership empowerment,
Board and Trustee engagement,
Helping people make their best contribution,
A Legacy Plan to be proud of…
Clearer brand messaging, Better, more ethical marketing, Loyal customers who return time and again, and help fly your company flag, More successful networking, as people remember you better, Better local reputation, trade and a sense of belonging and community, A more impactful sustainability practice and reporting, Happier employees who feel more included, significant, appreciated at, and prouder about, their workplace, More compelling funding applications, Higher staff retention, Better quality of applications to work with you, A sense of pride on your part, and satisfaction, Clarity about what you want / need for the future, A sense of being seen, heard, understood and appreciated, A better website, better email communication and improved social marketing, More media coverage (PR), Award nominations and better applications, Rewarding collaborations and partnerships, Improved Employee Wellbeing, Continued inspiration, Improved carbon footprint, New leadership empowerment, Board and Trustee engagement, Helping people make their best contribution, A Legacy Plan to be proud of…

Where do we begin?...
Easy - let’s meet up and talk about if I am the right person for you - and vice versa.