Storytelling and Sustainability: How to Address Climate Change as an SME

Listen to this episode now on the Frances Fogel - Story Strategist podcast

What steps have you taken recently to integrate sustainability into your operations?

Because there’s an exiting intersection for small and medium-sized businesses with storytelling and combating climate change that you might like to know about…

Please read on if you are a Founder, Leader or other custodian of an SME that might be considering the impact your business could have on the environment and is probably sitting on a goldmine of good stories too.

On a recent podcast episode I recorded for my Frances Fogel - Story Strategist pod, I talked all about it with the Founder and CEO of Green Element and Compare Your Footprint - Will Richardson.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Guides

You can start by getting your hands on an “EMS” guide (There’s one you can download for free on the Green Element website).

EMS guides help address the challenges for SMEs in reaching Net Zero. They serve as navigational tools, aiding SMEs in understanding their environmental impact, ensuring compliance, cutting costs, enhancing reputation, and accessing new opportunities.

Storytelling plays a crucial role too. Your chosen narrative can spark engagement, inspire action, and build community.

Sharing anecdotes of your personal vision, talking about how your employees embracing sustainability or highlighting your SME's positive environmental impact can really amplify your sustainability efforts as well as attracting better talent, more loyal customers and help you connect with a local fanbase and with causes you care about.

There’s no reason why you can’t punch with and above the big boys and girls…


Capturing Moments…


Bartholomew and the Oobleck: A Prophetic (and Hopeful?) Tale of the Climate Crisis